Manage Collibra DQ Assignments

Collibra DQ allows you to assign DQ Job findings (observations) to other users to review those findings and make determinations based on whether the findings are legitimate.

Why Would I Assign DQ Job Findings to Users?

Sometimes a DQ Job run results in findings that include what seem to be anomalies in the data source. For example, when analyzing a job, you might notice a job finding with outliers that are not what you were expecting. In this case, you could assign this job finding to a user to either validate, invalidate, or resolve the finding.

When an assigned user validates a job finding, it means that the results are expected and that we can confirm that it is, in fact, what the behavior model (outlier, dupe, shape, etc.) is reporting. The result is legitimate and, therefore, we want it to continue reporting as is.

If the user invalidates a finding, it means that the results are not expected and it is not what the behavior model is reporting it to be. In this case, the finding could be reporting an actual problem so that finding would need to be modified so that, when fixed, it will not be shown on the next job run.

Note Collibra recommends assigning the job finding validation to a user who has access to the source data.

You can assign job findings to internal Collibra DQ (CDQ) users or to external users with a third-party account, such as the ServiceNow tool. When you assign a user with a ServiceNow account, the assignments are sent as incidents, which can be tracked via the Service Now tool. You can select an individual or a group of users to manage the assignments for actions, such as escalations, de-escalations, and reassignments.

Note The default configuration for assignments is CDQ, however, you can also configure external ServiceNow assignments in the Validate Finding window.

Assign Job Findings to Users

You can assign any job findings to a user who has previously logged into the Collibra DQ application (internal user) or one who has a matching ServiceNow account (external user).

Note The default configuration for assignments is CDQ, however, you can also configure external ServiceNow assignments in the Validate Finding window.

Warning To configure a queue, you must have ROLE_ADMIN or ROLE_CONNECTION_MANAGER.


  1. Login to the Collibra DQ instance.

  2. Select one of the findings of a previously run DQ Job.

  3. From the Actions dropdown, select one of the following options.

    Option Description
    Validate Value is expected and represents the truth. Selecting this option means that you want the finding to be reported in the next job run.
    Invalidate Value is not what is expected and must be modified and fixed. You can set to Off-Peak, Ignore, or Remove so that the finding is removed from that day's run.
    Resolve Resolve the job finding. Resolving a finding retrains your Job's quality score if any points were deducted.
  4. To validate a finding and assign it to an internal Collibra DQ user, select Validate from the Actions dropdown.
    The Validate Finding window displays.

  5. Complete the following fields.
    DatasetDataset of the finding. This field is already populated.
    Run IdID of the DQ job run. This field is already populated.
    AssigneeCollibra DQ user. Select the user from this dropdown.
    DescriptionEnter a message for the user, such as "Please validate now".
    External Queues

    Select the internal/external user from this dropdown.

    Note CDQ is the default value.

  6.  To validate this finding, click Validate This.

    Note You can validate all the behaviors at once by selecting Validate All <Behaviors>. To close the window without saving, click Close.

  7. To validate a finding and assign it to an external user (with a ServiceNow account), select Validate from the Actions dropdown.
    The Validate Finding window displays.
  8. Select ServiceNow from the External Queues dropdown and complete the following fields.
    DatasetDataset of the finding. This field is already populated.
    Run IdID of the DQ job run. This field is already populated.
    Assign To

    Select one of the following options:

    • Individual - Assign to one user

    • Group - Assign to a group of users


    Collibra DQ user. Select the user from this dropdown.

    Note If you do not select an assignee, the item is marked as valid but unassigned: Acknowledged.

    DescriptionEnter a message for the user, such as "Please validate now", to provide details for the assignee. This field is optional.
    External Queues

    Select ServiceNow from this dropdown.

    Note CDQ is the default value.

  9. To validate this finding, click Validate This.

    Note You can validate all the behaviors at once by selecting Validate All <Behaviors>. To close the window without saving, click Close.

    You can distinguish whether the user is a CDQ or ServiceNow assignment in the Profile column. Users are represented by an icon, rather than their names or usernames.

  10. To invalidate a finding, select Invalidate from the Action dropdown and add a note in the Annotation* field.

    Note The Annotation* field is a required field.

  11. Click Save, Save & Retrain, or Close to close without saving.

Known limitations

  • The ServiceNow integration does not support SSO users currently.